Spring Clean

Hooray! The invigorating spring season is here. We are feeling lighter without our heavy coats and brighter to match the array of colors nature is providing. It is time to spring clean, change, and possibly purchase clothing and equipment your athlete uses throughout the year. Enhance your self-care this spring, too. Life is about to get busy!

Clothes and Equipment


  • Launder then pack away: It is exciting to hide the puffer coats, mittens, and hats in a box, bin, or drawer until the next frosty day of winter.  Be sure to take the time to wash your family’s winter wear before storing it through the summer. You will be grateful when you take out fresh clean items for the colder seasons.
  • Lighter more delicate clothing such a swimsuits and lightweight sportswear often require delicate washing and gentle detergent. Check labels to be sure the fabric performs well for you during the warm months. When in doubt, a cold-water wash cleans well and is most fabric friendly.
  • Be prepared to keep new uniforms looking fantastic throughout the season. Team jerseys, uniforms, and workout clothes often require special care and extra stain removing techniques. Look for natural laundry enhancers such as white vinegar or baking soda. Tip: Bleach may take out grass and ketchup stains, but it may also strip away color from your child’s favorite pinstripe baseball pants.

Sports Equipment

  • Clean all equipment. Pieces your athlete will keep and items they will donate need to be cleaned periodically. Spring is an easy time to remember to give them extra TLC.
  • Some equipment may be cleaned with a little detergent. As mentioned above, white vinegar or baking soda also clear odors and brighten fabric.
  • If equipment needs a simple refresh, let it sit outside in the shade on a dry spring day. The fresh air will take many odors away. Occasionally a fabric spray or disinfectant spray add even more freshness.

Spring Shopping

  • Check sizes of clothes, uniforms, or equipment that may have been packed away for the winter.
  • Look for quality athletic shoes. My boys did not have the latest name brand kicks for everyday wear, but their running shoes and cleats tended to be a higher quality. Athletic footwear is going to be used heavily, regardless of their sport. Their feet, body, and comfort will benefit greatly from decent shoes that fit well. Do not buy oversized shoes they will “grow into.”
  • On the other hand, you may save with secondhand equipment. You can find quality gently used sports equipment and save for new jerseys, sportswear, or uniforms your child may need. Ask your child’s team or club if they hold resale fundraisers. You may be able to score most of their clothing and equipment at a great price while helping to support the team.
  • Remember to donate or sell equipment your child has outgrown if it is still in good condition. If your younger child or a friend’s child is interested in the same sport, they may be able to use the gear. 

Spring Clean Your Schedule

With nicer weather, spring sports, and summer camps on the horizon, our schedules may become overwhelming. Before we realize it, our time is filled with commitments.

  • As you did with your new year’s reflection, evaluate which commitments and activities cause more stress than joy. Focus on minimizing the stress and maximizing your joy.
  • Could you eliminate an activity? Would you be able to coordinate with another family for carpooling?
  • Could you schedule a relaxing activity for yourself during the time your athlete is training? One mom had a weekly manicure while her daughter was at the skating rink for her lesson and practice time. If there is a close option for you to pamper yourself between your ‘taxi’ duty, you may have found a great opportunity to destress.

Stay Healthy

  • Apply sunscreen! The sun lifts our mood and invites hours of outdoor play. Keep your athlete’s and your skin safe from damaging rays. Your future self will be grateful.
  • Enjoy the fresh produce of the season. Eat healthy at home and pack nutritious meals and snacks for practice and game days.
  • Stay active. During baseball season, I often found myself driving in the car to various ball fields or sitting on the sidelines cheering on my son and his team. If finding time to work out is challenging, use the time waiting for practices to end to go for a run. Walk around the fields while watching a game. This was my favorite way to calm my nervous mom energy.
  • Ask a friend to join you. Socializing and spending time with our friends is essential for our mental health. Together you may be more inspired to focus on your physical health as well.

Enjoy the season!