Time for Reflection

A review of a year in sports.


Your child may be on the cusp of their competitive season or winding down for a slower paced winter training season. You may feel there are too many year-end obligations to find extra time for reflection on the close of 2023. I will give you a few good reasons to sit down alone, with your athlete, and as a family for a relaxed review of how sports have played a role in your lives this year.

What was the most fun?

What aspects of your child’s sport brought them the most joy? Were they energized by the thrill of competition? Was keeping a laid-back recreational approach the most pleasurable for your athlete? What events did your family like to attend? 

Athletes began their journeys because they had fun playing. Their challenges were not a source of stress, but self-driven goals they couldn’t wait to attain. Challenges become harder, goals often seem unattainable, and the enjoyment is overshadowed by the pressure to succeed. 

Take the time to recall the gratifying days and events from the past season. Save the ideas for a conversation with their coach or trainers. Listening to what brings your athlete happiness is essential to encourage their continued involvement in their sport and maintain a positive outlook as they set their intentions for the next season.

What did not work?

Remember the weeks when sports dictated the schedules of everyone in your family. You were constantly driving near and far for training or games. Your athlete was struggling to keep up with their schoolwork, and while they loved their activities, they were often tired and overwhelmed. Siblings that were carted along to all the sports obligations complained that they always had to go to their brother or sister’s activities and didn’t get to do what they wanted. Your significant other wondered when there would be a free night for a family meal.

If you family thrives on that busy energy level, then you’ll look forward to more of the same next year. However, if you find such periods to be stress inducing and unpleasant for everyone, try to figure out ways to ease the process when the busy season returns. Unless your athlete wants to limit their activities, thus alleviating the hectic pace , you may need to reach out for help for yourself and the rest of your family. 

Consider collaborating with other team families to carpool or babysit. Family dinners could be on the road after an event or practice, giving everyone time to reconnect. Be sure to make time for the interests of other family members as well as your own desires. Fully supporting your athlete and providing as many opportunities as possible should not signal the end of fulfilling the needs of everyone else in your home.

Reflection on success

Where did your athlete shine this year? What small or big goals did they achieve? When did you earn the Parent of the Year award for orchestrating a perfect work, sport, play, life balance? How did your athlete grow in their sport? What lessons did everyone in your family learn this year?

Reflecting on what worked well and when everyone felt successful brings to light little moments that may have been forgotten. Such memories give parents a chance to remind their athlete that they are proud of everything they do and athletes realize that their consistent practice has rewarded them, even if in tiny wins throughout the year.

Taking time for reflection on how sports have impacted your lives this past year will enable you and your athlete to tweak areas that were not satisfying and institute the practices that were most beneficial going forward. 

We all need a reason to sit, relax, and reflect on our own and with those we love. Cherish the moment.