Your Well Being

As a parent, it is common to give 100% of your energy to others. Your family, your job, your friends, and other commitments demand much of your time. Your well-being may not be your priority. When your child is involved in sports, either recreational or competitive, their schedule will keep you running. I found ways to care for my own well-being often while sitting at games and connecting with other team parents.

  • Pack yourself a healthy snack for the game.
  • Or…a little chocolate might be your snack of choice.
  • Let yourself go as you cheer with pride for your child.
  • Bring a book to read.
  • Catch up with friends either in person or virtually.
  • Bring along a comfortable camp chair if you are outside and can avoid the bleachers.
  • Dress comfortably, even if you simply change shoes after work.
  • Enjoy watching your child as they have fun competing or enjoying playing with their team.